Fear, sex, eating and sleeping

the four basic instincts residing in the muladhara chakra (tailbone), yoga, tantra

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Taoist Sex

Males and females differ not only in their external genitalia but also in their rates of arousal. Chinese Taoists have characterized the observable world as being dualistic in nature. One side of the Duality coin is Yang which is hard, active, bright, hot, male; the other side is Yin soft, passive, dark, cool, female. This Duality is easily observed in ordinary life like day and night, hot and cold, hard and soft, light and dark, up and down.

In the matter of sex, males are often sexually aggressive, are easily aroused, quick to peak and very often quickly ejaculate their semen. This is a stark contrast to the female which requires a lot of romancing and stimulatioin both in terms of atmosphere: candlelight and mood music, nibbles and light touches, careful stroking before she is ready to simmer and boil over into sexual orgasm. The ideal of mutually satisfying sex is therefore a little more difficult to attain and requires a lot of practice and experimentation. It is also very often the cause of great unhappiness in couples.

While the Victorian Era has brought Britain to pre-eminence in world affairs, it has also spread a prudish notion of sexuality which the world has suffered from for a long time. Sexuality came to be a subject which could not be discussed openly except by couching euphemistically terms which would be better expressed directly. Sigmund Freud correctly guessed the destructive effect that repressed sexuality had on a person's psyche. The Kinsey Report has done a great deal to open up the subject to public discussion and scrutiny.

The exuberant experiment in the sixties known as Free Love might be seen as the collective psyche bursting the chains of Sexual Repression and embracing that which is natural and good. The ancient Taoists have written extensively on sex and sexuality. Mao tse tung's destructive adventurism in the sixties which he termed The Cultural Revolution has forced this once-secret knowledge to flee China and find residence in the Western World. Much of the practices to improve sexual energy involves concentration and meditation.
Meditation promotes peace of mind.
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